Hosted by FGN and EmulationZone

Visual Studio has finally arrived, so I'm porting TNG to Windows. Also, I should now be able to make custon MMF extensions (once I've got my head round the SDK, that is), so expect some of those cropping up in the not-too-distant future. And the new interface is on the way, trust me. :-)

Neither the new look nor the Saved Game How-To are ready yet (does that surprise you?). However, I have actually been doing some work: I've decided to convert SU3 to 320x240. It's a much nicer size for both playing and devloping. This will take some time, but I hope to be finished the conversion by the end of Friday 21st.

I'm currently working on a new design for the site, so expect that within about a week. The Saved Game How-To v2.0 should come along at the same time.

Happy December! After a long period of inactivity (and playing with Linux on my 486), I'm starting to get back into the swing of development. My Saved Game How-To is up for revision, and I will hopefully start work on Megachao again soon.

The animation editor now sort of works. Once that's done, I'll get back to working on the main engine. Nothing much else to report just now.

I haven't done any work to my games in the past few days - I've just had two teeth removed and the pain has kind of drained my energy. I should hopefully get something done this weekend, however. After that, though, it's back to square 1; I'm having another two out on Tuesday. >_< Meanwhile, here's an interesting little Win98 quirk that was mentioned in PCW this month: open the Taskbar properties while holding CTRL. DeskBar???

Since I haven't really given you anything of any substance during the last few weeks, here's a little screenshot to tide you over:

Sprite Map Editor.

This is the tool I wrote that lets me make animation files to be used in my game. I doubt if it will ever reach the general public, but I thought you might have been interested anyway. :-)

Hmm... nothing much to report today. I've ben working on the MOO section of Megachao over the past few days, so we should hopefully be able to offer a 'Game Room', which just can't be done with the DPlay object.

Happy November! :-) I've started work on a new special stage, since the old one was so terrible. I might set up a poll to see what you people think of it.

I've adjusted the 'Feautres' bit on the SU3 section of the Games page. However, a little more explanation is required for one of them. 'Special Update', which has been sitting on the list rather inconspicuously for some time now, is part of SU3 which will check for *other* Gregorsoft games installed on your computer, and, if necessary, update them. There will be some new updates to the games specially for Special Update, so expect to see some changes to the likes of Sonic Ultra and other prehistoric games.

*Looks at date* Hey, it's Windows XP day! Us pitiful Win98 users can only look on in envy. Or, alternatively, we could install Linux and completely avoid driver signatures and Windows Product Activation. :-) Anyway, pressing ever onwards: I've added a couple of new screenshots to the SU3 section of the Games page. And that's it.

Don't you just hate MMF? I think it's taken a whole day out of my life just making me redo work lost in crashes.

I've added a section for "The Next Game" to the Games page. Take a look! :-)

Hmm... nothing new today. I have done a reasonable amount of level design in SU3, though, and development of my C game is starting to pick up speed again.

Added the results of the last poll to the Poll page.

I've taken down the 'Vote' button on the long-neglected Poll page. Results on Wednesday. Oh, and if you haven't already done so, take a look at the navbar. :-)

Happy October! I haven't done any work on SU3 in over a month. Well, not exactly. All my work of late has been on Megachao (which is not a bad thing, BTW), and, as a result, SU3 is falling behind. Making MC is just so much more interesting than doing level deisgn, you see! :-)

To generally make things easier and faster, this site now uses frames. The navbar will stay at the side even when you scroll down. For now, there's still an advert at the top of every page, but, T&C permitting, I may be able to have a single ad frame, which would reduce popups. I've sent an enquiry off to the FGN administrator to see if I can get away with this. Anyway, that's all for now.

(23/09/01) - Triple Grrrr...
I CANNOT FIND ANY DECENT WEBSPACE!!!! It looks like the stuff's staying on the EmuZone server for now. Oh, I forgot to mention last time, I've added Magicgrafx Entertainment to the Affiliates bit at the bottom of this page. Visit them! :-)

(23/09/01) - Double Grrrr...
Xoom/NBCi apparently no longer exists. >_< Looks like I'm on the hunt for space...

(23/09/01) - Grrrr...
It seems my files have not been uploading correctly to the FC server. That means I'm going to have to use somewhere else, probably the old Xoom/NBCi server.

I'm still uploading all those files... They're going to be on FortuneCity, where this site was, many, many years ago. The slight problem is that FC doesn't allow direct linking, so I'll set up a page on that server with links to all the files. This probably means that it'll only be ZIPs, not screenshots, that go on that server.

Here's the screenshot I promised:

"So?" I hear you say. "As far as screenshots go, that is about as interesting as your average Social Education lesson." I'm inclined to agree with you on that, but the thing is, you see, I didn't use MMF. :-) My next game (or perhaps even SU3 Deluxe) will be written in C, using the Allegro libraries. What you see above is what I've done so far. Using C will hopefully allow me to be much more adventurous than I can be with our old friend MMF. I'll keep you posted...

In other news, I've been nominated for the "Tails Emmy Awards" (http://fly.to/tailmanteam). Click here to vote.

I am now beginning the slow process of moving all the ZIPs, and possibly screenshots, for this site onto a different server. Although the EmuZone server is fast enough for HTML, the 0.8 KB/s it churns out is absolutely useless for downloading anything much larger than text. So, within the next week (or thereabouts), I should hopefully have moved everything I need to. Oh, and I'm working on something which I think you might like. :-) And another thing (don't worry, it's the last :-), I've moved all the old news to the Old News page.

Nothing new this time. Hopefully I'll have a screenshot or something for Wednesday.

I fixed the link to SU Comp on the Games page. Thanks to Jeffrey Grover for pointing this out.

(09/09/01) - Magicgrafx Entertainment and Gregorsoft Software present...
Well, you'll have to go here and see, won't you? :-)

(30/08/01) - "The Day my Motherboard Turned to Toast"
Last Tuesday evening, my motherboard had finally decided it had had enough, and proceeded to fry itself. As a result, I needed a new motherboard, new processor, and new RAM. Also, it systemtically destroyed my C: drive. Luckily, I had had the foresight to keep all my data, including SU3, on a separate partition, which was unaffected. Interestingly, if I now enable DMA, C: gets the same demolition-ball treatment. 0_o Anyway, my PC is now, after three reformats and reinstalls, in a semi-usable state. I've still got to install the non-essential things like IE5 and sound/mouse drivers, but I'll get round to that soon. I still don't trust my motherboard on my HD, so I'm going to avoid mission-critical tasks for the next few days, and, moreover, avoid using my D: drive until I'm pretty certain it isn't going to get the same treatment as C: did. I'll update when I can bothered. :-)

This will almost certainly be the last update before I go back to school. :-( Who thought 7 weeks could go by so fast...? Anyway, I can't be bothered actually doing anything substantial to the site today, so I'll give you the screenshot I had intended for today on Wednesday instead.

Updated the Games page again.

Happy August! :-) I've updated the Games page. You may have noticed that I have decided to cut a few levels out of SU3. This is because the project I had intended to take six months has now taken over a year, and still isn't anywhere near being finsihed yet. Level design is what's taking the time, so a few less levels should speed things up a bit. There are still plenty levels, though! :-)

I've finally got round to adding that screenshot I didn't get round to doing on Saturday. Check out the Games page.

Over the past week or so I have worked on various projects/eaten/read/slept/done homework - in fact, I've done almost everything that cannot be called 'working on SU3'. I fully intended to upload a screenshot today, but when I got round to it, I couldn't be bothered. Maybe I'll have one for Monday. Or, maybe I won't.

I moved that advert to the top of the page, and added it to all the other pages.

After more than a month, email.com is finally back up. This means I will once again be able to receive my e-mail. My apologies for any inconvenience that that caused. Also, I've added an advert to the bottom of the page. I'll add it to the other pages ASAP. Hey, it's either that or have the place shut down. :-)

Updated the Games page.

Nothing today.

Updated the Games page. Also, Happy July! :-)

(04/07/01) - Telephone lines and such
Before I get on to anything worth your while, I must apologize for my absence of late. However, for a change, I actually have a reasonable excuse. It involves lawnmowers, telephone lines, and British Telecom. The story goes like this: last Wednesday, the verges along the edge of the road leading to my house were being cut. Nothing unusual there. The catch was that, serveral weeks before, the telephone lines going along said road had been moved from overhead lines down to the ground. BT, in their infinite wisdom, had decided not to bury the cables underground, but instead to leave them running overground, running across the grass. You can probably guess what happened next. Telephone line + lawnmower = no connection to the Internet. This situation remained for ONE - WHOLE - WEEK until finally the problem was resolved (a dialing tone has never brought me so much joy! :-).

Anyway, down to business. I have decided to make a few changes to the levels that will be in SU3. Launch Base Zone will replace Stardust Speedway, and I may change/remove Casino Night Zone. Also, Sonic now plays Hydro City instead of Aquatic Ruin. All the characters will do Launch Base and Starlight. I have updated the Games page accordingly. Speaking of the Games page, I have completely rewritten the SU3 description to bring it slightly more up-to-date. I think that's all.

A small note: I have nothing against BT. There was probably a perfectly good reason for leaving the cable where it was. I think BT's great. Honestly.

Nothing today.

Added LavaMind to the Links page.

Updated the Games page.

Email.com is currently down, and as a result I'm not receiving my e-mail. If you desperately need to talk to me, try looking on AIM (Oogaland), ICQ (113805795) or MSN Messenger (oogaland@email.com). My apologies for any inconvenience.

I have done absolutely no work to SU3 over the past few days. I just haven't been able to make myself do any work (outside school, that is) recently. Oh, well. With any luck, that'll change soon. Although, of course, 'soon' could be anything from a week to a month. [Sighs]

(11/06/01) - Woohoo!!!!!
NO MORE S2!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bwahaha!!! On to S3!! The start of my Standard Grade courses!! Yay!! Not only that, but there are only three weeks until we break up for the Summer. Heehee!!!!

Hmm... let's think. Is there anything new today? No.

Updated the Links page.

No update today.

Nothing new today. Keep voting on the Poll! :-)

(01/06/01) - Release date matters, and Happy Birthday to Me :-)
"What's this?" you ask. "An update on a Friday?" Well, firstly, erm... yes. It is Friday, and, yes, this is an update. It is not, however, just any update - today was originally to be the release date of SU3. Frequent visitors who know the current situation as to SU3 will find this laughable. The game is, I would estimate, less than 50% complete. It is exactly one year to the day that I released SU: TR, which was the reason I had chosen today for SU3's release into the wild. I've updated the release date on the Games page. Today is also, incidentally, my birthday. In fact, I have just turned 14 as I type this, seeing as I was born at night. Well, there you go. You can all wish me a Happy Birthday while I wish you the normal Happy June.* :-)

*Obviously, 'Happy June' is only normal in the sense that I habitually wish you good tidings at the beginning of every month, using the name of said month in my little bid of good-will. Getting to the point, I wouldn't wish you a Happy June at the beginning of, say, October. Of course, only the extremely dense among you will not have figured this out by yourselves, but it can't hurt to explain, can it? :-)

Over the past few weeks I've been working on SU3 Internet Multiplayer, but this time using DPlay instead of MOO. Since the public MOO servers will be shutting down at the end of the year, the multiplayer emphasis will be on DPlay, instead of MOO as originally intended. I've updated the Games page to reflect the current state of the multiplayer stuff. Also, there's another update to that page, which the astute (and not so astute - it's pretty obvious) among you may notice.

Added a poll to the Poll page. Please vote! I also did a few things to the Links page.

Nothing this time, but the long-neglected Poll page should get an update on Monday.

Well, I've nothing new for you today, but I did wait patiently for three-quarters of an hour while I uploaded the Art & Design section of my school's website (www.bellbaxter.org.uk if you're interested. As if you would be.). I have absolutely no idea why I just told you that, but, well... I did. Hmm.

HCZ is now completely finished. Updated the Games page.

HCZ Badniks have now been placed. Updated Games page to reflect this.

Nothing today.

Oh, what a week. Never before have I been through such a hectic 7-day spell. As you might have guessed, it was that havoc that caused my lack of updates. Not that that matters, since I don't have to run this place anyway, but still... :-)
   I have now just about recovered, though it was only yesterday that the chaos reached its climax: I spent the afternoon at my little cousin's birthday party, and for half an hour there had to endure a pseudo-conversation with a rebel, with whom I'd gone through primary school. But I digress.
   On to the update: firstly, Hydro City is now nearly finished, and the Games page has been updated accordingly. And secondly, I fixed a few broken links, also on the Games page. There. Finished. You waited a week just for that. :-)

Updated the Games page. Oh, and I got my bag back. :-)

(02/05/01) - I officially declare myself the scattiest person in the world
Gah. As of today, I have yet another item to add to my 'lost stuff (S1 and 2)' list. Here's the list as it stands now: *I hate Home Ec, and I've only got to put up with it for four more weeks 'til I start S3. Just thought I'd mention that.

Happy May! I have just realised that I neglected to wish my readers a Happy April last month. My most sincere apologies to you all. :-) I'm currently swimming in waves of nostalgia, having set up my old 486DX/25 again. Running Windows 95 (not a good idea, on a 25MHz machine), it takes about 3 minutes from power-on to the completion of the Windows startup procedure. But it's still fun...

Nothing today. Well, nothing for the general public anyway. Aha ha. Ha. HA! HA HA! BWA HA HA!!! Erm... yes. Pretend I didn't just laugh in an evil-sounding manner back there.

(28/04/01) - Oogaland ROFL! But nobody else does! As per usual!
Looking back on the update of 09/09/00 (yes, you read that right) I noticed a rather stupid spelling error that I can't believe I made and actually had me laughing. I'm sure you also find it hysterically funny.

Updated the Games page and set this column's width to 100%, making everything look a bit more sensible.

I've moved all the updates from this page on to the Old News page. And... that's it.

I did next to nothing to SU3 over the weekend. Well, that's not true... not exactly, anyway... Ah, never mind.

Fixed the broken links to SU, SU2 and SU2P on the Games page. Thanks to Uche12345 for notifying me.

Updated the Games page.

I can't think of an update today. Such a pity... :-)

Hrmph. Back at school again. :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

I've finally got round to adding those new screenshots. All three are on the Games page. Oh, and happy Easter to everybody celebrating it! :-)

Oops. I said I'd have some screenshots for today, didn't I. >_< Well, I forgot. Many apologies. I'll write myself a note to have them ready for Saturday.

For the first time in about a fortnight I've actually managed to do some noticable work on SU3. Flying Battery is now finished, and I've made a reasonable start on Hydro City. I've updated the Games page accordingly. If I can be bothered, I'll make you some screenshots for Wednesday.

Nothing today.

Spent today trying to get MOO to do something useful. Please don't ask...

Changed the SFGHQ description on the Links page to make more sense.

(31/03/01) - Yayayay, woowoowoo!
Heehee! For once I'm in a good mood and might just be able to write an update without any sarcasm. Note the emphasis on 'might'. :-) Two things have happened to lift me to this height of mood-dom (does that make sense?): number one, there's no school for two weeks, and, number two, after about a year of operating on FAT16, I've converted my HDs to FAT32. I have gained, in total, over 600 megs of space!! Anyway, I'm sure you've had enough of my blethering. I'll shut up now.

Slightly updated the Games page. A distinct pattern seems to be emerging in my updates of late. :-)

An update? No. Maybe Monday, if you're lucky.

Updated the Games page.

Slightly updated the Games page.

The TA Competiton seems to have messed up. >_< To enter, please send me a screen shot of the times screen with EHZ selected. Sorry for the mix-up! :-)

Added that screenshot I promised yesterday to the Games page.

(17/03/01) - I'm Ba-ack!
After no less than 12 days of missed updates, I'm back and... back. There are probably better endings to that sentence, but, quite frankly, I can't be bothered thinking of them. OK, to the update: for those of you who missed it at S.A.G.E., SU3 Demo 3 is now ready. Get it from the Games page. The new demo features a Time Attack competition, so please click the 'Submit Times' button in the game! And that's it. I might have some screenshots or something for you for tomorrow.

No more updates until after S.A.G.E., since I've got to juggle maintaining my booth and a pile of homework. >_< There'll be plenty of stuff at my S.A.G.E. booth, though! :-)

Added Sonic Forever to the Links page. Oh, and happy March! :-)

No update today. I'm spending most of my time working on SU3 and my S.A.G.E. booth.

(26/02/01) - Snow, Wonderful Snow... :-)
Ahh... snow. Where would I be without it? Answer: AT SCHOOL! Heeheehee... :-) Anyway, I updated the SU3 section of the Games page. Again.

I've still not got rid of that stupid latency problem. Aaaargggh!!! I'd orginally hoped to have a multiplayer verion ready for S.A.G.E., but that's looking increasingly unlikely.

Monday's Multiplayer demo ran like a tortoise on tranquilisers. >_< Oh, and Jonny, I'm not uploading that thing tonight. I'll bring it in on disk tomorrow.

I now have a working version of SU3 Internet Multiplayer! It isn't avaiable to the public yet, but a version will be in at S.A.G.E. I've updated the SU3 section of the Games page accordingly.

Updated the SU3 section of the Games page.

Gah. No update today.

Updated the Games page.

Updated the Links page.

Time Attack mode has now been implemented, so all that remains of single player coding is to copy the new code to the existing levels that still use Engine 1. <sarcasm>Won't that be fun.</sarcasm> :-)

Happy February! I've moved the last couple of month's updates to the Old News page, and addded Wednesday's screenshot to the SU3 Screenshots Gallery (click the 'More...' link under the screenshots on the SU3 section of the Games page).

SU3 Engine 2.00 is complete! Added another screenshot to the SU3 section of the Games page.

SU3 Engine 2.00 is getting extremely close to completion. It should be finished this weekend. That means I can start work on level design again, and even work on some of the niftier features that I'm not telling you about. COUGH! COUGH! Internet multiplayer! COUGH! COUGH! That joke is getting re-e-e-eally old...

2000 visits! Guess who visitor 2000 was... :-)

Updated the Links page.

Started work on SU3 again after a week of doing nothing. Added another screenshot to the SU3 section of the Games page.

(15/01/01) - New Location
Now that SonicNEXT is kicking up the daisies, the Gregorsoft website has moved to the Fan Game Network at EmulationZone! I haven't uploaded the downloads (0_o) yet, but I should be able to remedy that over the next week or so.

Added a link to the Links page.

Updated the SU3 section of the Games page slightly. And I fixed another typo in Monday's (08/01/01) update.

Corrected a typo in yesterday's update. I must have been really tired yesterday; take a look to see what I mean:

Well, I've need nack been back ('Need nack???' I've seen some strange typos in my time, but this...) to school, and (I think) I survived. Normally I would use school as an excuse for not working on SU3, but if I did any less than I am now I'd be getting further away from completing it. Or something like that.

Nothing new today. Back to school on Monday! NOOOO!!! :-)

Changed the Christmas colour scheme back to the normal. I also changed the MIDI.

Happy New Year! I told you I'd update on Monday... :-) Originally I had intended to update a week ago, but what with Christmas and such I was somewhat preoccupied. Anyway, the update: new SU3 screenshots on the Games page, poll results from my last poll are now up on the Poll page and... that's it. I think.

© Gregorsoft Software 2000-2003