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Megachao comprises of two main parts, Chao Battle and Chao Garden. Megachao is (or, rather, will be) the result of much work on the part of the authors, and will hopefully become an entertaining, long-lasting and downright fun game. :-) So, on to the descriptions...

Chao Battle is a Pokémon-style fighting game in which you can battle your chao against a friend's (or enemy's ^_^) over the Internet. With six different types of chao and 50 different attacks, Chao Battle will test your skills both in battling and in choosing the correct attacks to make your chao stronger.

Chao can become stronger not only by winning battles, but also through careful care and attention in the Chao Garden. You can feed your chao, play with them, race them... the list goes on. All this can affect how your chao perform in battle.

And the best thing is Chaomega and Sonic Ultra 3 will support each other. That means you can raise your chao in both games and battle!

SAGE Sept 2002 Treatment

This project started off as a small idea in the back of my mind for a secret revealed upon beating SU3. It matured a little, and I decided to make it Internet-enabled. At the time it was very simple: there would be no user interaction; the chao would fight each other on their own using only one attack which was to be the same for all chao. Furthermore, there was only type of chao. Everything fitted nicely under the heading of 'boring'. And then I mentioned my idea to the head of a certain Magicgrafx Entertainment...

Chao Manager

Things sort of exploded from there. Aytaç suggested that SU3 and Magicgrafx's Chaomega should be inter-connectable. I happily agreed. In the fullness of time, Megachao (as the expanded Chao Battle had come to be known) came to sport no less than fifty different attacks, six chao types, and a Chao Garden in which chao could be fed and played with, improving their stats.

Chao Battle
Internet connectivity is implemented using Michel Plante's excellent DirectPlay object. It's open source, and I intend to make some modifications, namely to remove the dialogue boxes and extra protocols.

As I have mentioned, there are six supported chao types, and fifty different attacks. Each chao can have two different attacks, and more can be learned as it gains more experience. It would be nice to have four separate attacks per chao, but creating this sort of thing in MMF is complicated enough as it is! :-) The Chao Battle frame had no fewer than seventy-two counter objects last time I checked...

Chao Battle

Attacks can be more or less effective against different types (think Pokémon), and some have special effects, such as changing your chao's type. There are a number of 'bonuses', such as Attack and Defence Bonus, that affect a chao's performance during battle. These stats can be improved in the Chao Garden.

Chao Garden
Megachao's Chao Garden is equivalent to that of Sonic Adventure. Your chao walks around a 'Garden'. It has a number of attributes, such as hunger, morale and stamina, which all depend on how well your chao is cared for. Different foods have different effects, as can changes in the chao's environment.

Chao Garden

Chao Garden and Chao Battle will share data, so changes in one affect the other. Also, Gems (in COE) and Emblems (in SU3) are used in the Chao Garden to buy food, extensions to the landscape, decoration, and so forth. We're working hard to integrate COE/SU3 Megachao as tightly as possible, but this is no mean feat: so far, we've been through about four different data formats, and still haven't finalised anything yet!

Megachao is still very much a work in progress. Any ideas or constructive criticisms would be greatly appreciated.

© Gregorsoft Software and Magicgrafx Entertainment 2000-2003