By Richard Morgan


FROM: 1st Lt. Turs Tebcuk, 24th Regt, SBS

FOR THE ATTENTION OF: Emperor Ivo Robotnik, Protector Of Mobius

DATE: D1343/Y4 UR

SUBJECT: Citizen Resistance Reports


My Lord, I have taken the unit you have assigned to me through the southern Zones of Mobius and we are currently stationed at Fort Neccoret, near the Frozen Zone, on South Island. The conditions are harsh but the troops are coping with the climate change adequately. Unfortunately I must report at least eight losses, all on our route to get here, due to sporadic attacks from anthropomorphic resistance in various locations. It is the result of these engagements that I must report to you, for I feel that this information could prove to be extremely important for the empire you have so skillfully created.

The previously mentioned attacks followed similar patterns. All were made in temperate Zones. All involved the use of various personal firearms, both light-projection based and conventional, and in all cases the antagonists were of anthropomorphic description, fighting either as an individual or in a small team, consisting of three or four at the very most. While the attacks seemed somewhat uncoordinated, the use of environmental features proved to play a large part in their offensive, disorintating the troops when moving as a block and gaining the upper hand in a situation that might otherwise prove to be futile. The attacks were repelled, most of them ending in a withdrawl by the aggrssors, others by the neutralisation of the threat. We did, however, manage to capture one of these resistance fighters alive, and after various methods of 'persuasion', were able to extract useful information from it. Needless to say, I had the creature terminated as soon as it became of no use to us.

It seems, Sir, that the constant attacks on my unit were not just a coincidence. From the evidence given to us by our anthropomorphic informant, I have reason to believe that what we are dealing with is not simply occasional outlaws targetting your Mobian Protection Force or Special Badnik Service just for mindless vandalism; The signs show that unfortunately, it appears to be more like a 'resistance group' of some description.

This new information has confirmed rumours of a rebel movement working independantly from the Hedgehog, in many different Zones of the planet at the same time. This would also explain the ever growing increase in global Badnik 'casualties' that has been witnessed over the last two years. We now know that such an organization exists and operates almost everywhere on Mobius at any given time, but according to the details we have extracted from our prisoner, the movement in question operates in a very haphazard and uncoordinated way. Only a lack of communication between the headstrong outlaws involved has thankfully stopped this large number of 'Freedom Fighters' from becoming an army. With all respects, My Lord, while the Badnik forces under your command can effectively quell any impromptu outbreaks of violence anywhere on Mobius, I doubt our ability against a large body of disciplined troops on a battlefield. This is obviously an area that You will improve on in Badnik training over the next few weeks, and I shall gladly offer myself and this unit for any experimentation You may wish to carry out.

We have discovered that the individuals in this organization call themselves 'Zonerunners'. A breakdown of the name suggests that they operate while constantly on the move - a simple tactic to avoid being hunted by an opposing force, and one that they have apparently used to great effect against Your peacekeeping forces. These creatures have no respect for Your authority, neither can they see Your unparalleled ability in keeping the planet functioning so efficiently. They have their vision of creating a new world after destroying Your successful Empire - an ambitious dream for those with such little influence or power.

Apparently, a large number of these 'Runners'- as they often call themselves - are of what is described as a 'female' variant of the species in question. While I have not seen any substantial difference in the organic creatures that populate this planet, our prisoner informed us that this is so. The creature said this is due to the fact that many of their 'male' relations have been taken by You to use as workers in factories and to operate certain designs of older Badniks. I cannot understand why these creatures would then break the law with their thoughtless actions - they must realise that to be selected to offer their services to the Empire is a great privilege indeed!

These Runners, though in opposition to Your position of absolute power, often depend on technology created by You to operate at all. In the attacks my unit has experienced, many of the outlaws were spotted with various Badnik issued weaponry. This is believed to be a common practice - they attack Badnik units to equip themselves with weaponry and other technologically advanced equipment needed for their cause - equipment which could not possibly be constructed by themselves, given their extremely primitive evolution. It must also be noted that these criminals find great difficulty in attacking SBS and Mobian Protection units consisting of any type of the standard Badnik Trooper - their rely totally on weapons to turn the tide of any counter attacks thrust upon them. I have ordered my troops to carry the minimum requirements of weapons needed - surplus reserves will only benefit the enemy further.

It was also witnessed, by one of my veteran Troopers, that these animals use the now obsolete Badnik Microputers. Having used the system for a brief time whilst serving in the SBS, I know how beneficial these machines are. The ability to decode doorlocks and override shield generators is now within their grasp - even this barracks is no longer safe from the rebels. However, I can assure You that my unit will be ever vigilant, and we shall keep a watchful eye over the area at all times.

Additional information is extremely limited, but I do have more to report. To allow these rebels to operate anonymously, they apparently discard their names and adopt 'handles', in the same sense that the Special Operations Badnik units do when undertaking an operation. This is an attempt to protect relatives and friends from being deliberately targeted as a direct result of their utter disregard for Your new Mobian order. Such consideration for their peers is a weakness - this is something that could be exploited in order to draw these outlaws from their hiding places, and no doubt You have already considered the potential of this situation.

We were extremely lucky in that the individual we apprehended was not particularly strong-willed, and agreed to give us this information after only a few days. If the creature were alive now, it would see that it has served You as it should always have, providing you with facts that will lead to the undoing of this useless movement against You and the empire.

It is still unknown how these creatures communicate globally, or how they manage to travel such great distances in so short a space of time, but I shall continue to pursue this new threat and provide You with the information that You require, whenever it is needed.

A remedy to the overall situation is a decision that only You can make, however, I feel that the need for more Troopers on Mobius would ease the situation - may I place a request for double the number of soldiers I have lost on this assignment, so that I can guarantee that victory is always Yours when the foolish anthropomorphics decide to insult You further by attacking the forces loyal to Your great Empire.

I shall report more on this matter when information is provided, my Lord. Until then, I shall continue to operate with the orders given to me and the regiment. We shall succeed with utmost success in our objectives, I can assure You!

May Your Reign Be Everlasting!



(c) Richard Morgan, 2001. All characters (c) of their respective creators.