Manic LightSpeed: hi hi
ShadowLuvaStarz: hey niisan
Manic LightSpeed: sup?
ShadowLuvaStarz: my stomach hurts...
Manic LightSpeed: sorry..what you eat?
ShadowLuvaStarz: nah its not what i ate.... but never mind that
ShadowLuvaStarz: im sick
Manic LightSpeed: eek, me sorry...;.;
ShadowLuvaStarz: is alright
ShadowLuvaStarz: i drew pictures
Manic LightSpeed: ::huggles::
Manic LightSpeed: ooh of what?
ShadowLuvaStarz: *huggles back* adrien
ShadowLuvaStarz: he's my angel character
Manic LightSpeed: ah
Manic LightSpeed: me I'm finally updating the page with a NSGS page
ShadowLuvaStarz: yay!
Manic LightSpeed: yeh was drawing and I'm like 'Boy Lumi sure is cool' then
Manic LightSpeed: I'm like....'oh shit..I have to work on that!'
ShadowLuvaStarz: heh *hug*
Manic LightSpeed: ::Hug::
ShadowLuvaStarz signed off at 4:11:19 PM.
ShadowLuvaStarz signed on at 4:14:04 PM.
Manic LightSpeed: wb
ShadowLuvaStarz: thakn you
Manic LightSpeed: no prob ^^
ShadowLuvaStarz: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Manic LightSpeed: mew?
ShadowLuvaStarz wants to directly connect.
ShadowLuvaStarz cancels request; no connection was made.
Manic LightSpeed wants to directly connect.
ShadowLuvaStarz is now directly connected.
my way of coping
Manic LightSpeed: ;.;...

Manic LightSpeed: nice nice pic.
ShadowLuvaStarz: :3
ShadowLuvaStarz: *huggles*
Manic LightSpeed: ::Huggles back:: Aww...I needed that
ShadowLuvaStarz: :3
Manic LightSpeed: also am making LiveJournal and AIM icons
ShadowLuvaStarz: *falls to the ground twitching* owwwww
Manic LightSpeed: for NSGS
Manic LightSpeed: aww-you ok??
ShadowLuvaStarz: *stomach.... hurts....
Manic LightSpeed: perhaps you need to rest...
ShadowLuvaStarz: noooooo i'm sick .__.
Manic LightSpeed: I know...
Manic LightSpeed: sorry I wish I could help ><;;;
ShadowLuvaStarz: sokay bro
Manic LightSpeed: ::pets::
ShadowLuvaStarz: *snuggle*
Manic LightSpeed: Aww -^.^-
ShadowLuvaStarz: :3
Manic LightSpeed: ^_^
ShadowLuvaStarz: you know what i like?
Manic LightSpeed: what?
ShadowLuvaStarz: RP XD;;!!
Manic LightSpeed: hehe okies
ShadowLuvaStarz: eeeeeeee
ShadowLuvaStarz: *glomp* wow! i didn't ask!
Manic LightSpeed: lol trust me I can use a friend right now
ShadowLuvaStarz: :D little sisters make the best companions!
ShadowLuvaStarz: *cling*
ShadowLuvaStarz: X3
Manic LightSpeed: ::pets her:: Of course they do!
ShadowLuvaStarz: :D
Manic LightSpeed: ^^
ShadowLuvaStarz: hmm :/ i didn't save :O
Manic LightSpeed: I think..I did
ShadowLuvaStarz: :O!! :D
Manic LightSpeed: now where I saved it...
ShadowLuvaStarz: *hug*
Manic LightSpeed: ^^
Manic LightSpeed: I remembered that you and Shadow kissed ^_^
ShadowLuvaStarz: ^^;;;; nearly kissed <<;;
ShadowLuvaStarz: then baddies came and taiora kicked the shit out of
ShadowLuvaStarz: and then.. uhh...... She found manic and comforted him
ShadowLuvaStarz: something about girls
Manic LightSpeed: ah yes
ShadowLuvaStarz: and then taiora told him that he could come with her
when she went home.
ShadowLuvaStarz: so they can find a girl
Manic LightSpeed: ah yesh ^^
Manic LightSpeed: ::Memnory quite hazy lol::
ShadowLuvaStarz: *pets* well you post?
Manic LightSpeed: ok ghols on
Manic LightSpeed: ::Starts walkign back toward the beach::
ShadowLuvaStarz: She got up and followed him, wondering if she should
tell him about her and Shadow.
Manic LightSpeed: ::Walking cockily whistling::
ShadowLuvaStarz: She smiledand marched behind him, her tail upright in
the air.
Manic LightSpeed: ::looks behind:: you're in a jollier mood than usual!
ShadowLuvaStarz: She had a large grin on her face. "yuuuuuup!"
Manic LightSpeed: Hmmm.....something happened???
ShadowLuvaStarz: She blushed. "nah!"
Manic LightSpeed: ::Stops to look ar her face closely::
ShadowLuvaStarz: She blinked and looked at him too/ "what?"
Manic LightSpeed: Hm. Yer lying.
ShadowLuvaStarz: she blushed harder and blinked. "hwwhwhwha?!"
Manic LightSpeed: ::Smirks:: I dunno I can tell these things....::A Sparkle in
the corner in his eye:: You found someone
ShadowLuvaStarz: she blushed even harder (if that is at all possible)
Manic LightSpeed: ::Smirks all cat like:: I was right.....Hmmm......::Closes eyes
dramatically:: This guy your with....he's a cold shouldered loner yet deep
down, he has a warm heart of gold ..... you can unlock his true
are the reason he goeson in life...::opens one
ShadowLuvaStarz: Her tail frizzed out and her hair rose (in the comic
anime style) O__________O;
Manic LightSpeed: ::His eyes shadowed smirking:: It's a hedgehog. Someone
I know hm?
ShadowLuvaStarz: O________________________O- *faints*
Manic LightSpeed: ::Smirks and looks to her narrowed eyed:: He's Shadow,
ShadowLuvaStarz: *twitches on the ground* gah whyyyy are you so
goooood at reading people!?
Manic LightSpeed: ::Sniffs her:: You reek of Hedgehog ^^
ShadowLuvaStarz: *she fainted again. "oh god..."
Manic LightSpeed: Awww...Taiora ish in wuvvy poo ^.^
ShadowLuvaStarz: SHe flushed over.
Manic LightSpeed: hehe it's alright...I think it's sweet...
Manic LightSpeed: ::Smirks and continued walking:: Hm. I guess there IS
someone for everyon after all....
ShadowLuvaStarz: She blushed and crawled after him (anime style)
Manic LightSpeed: ::Smirks:: hehe
Manic LightSpeed: ::Hops down onto the beach agasin:: ahhh...
ShadowLuvaStarz: she sighed and laid inthe sand with a smile.
Manic LightSpeed: ::Smirked looking to her as he turned to see a bleu
hedgehog sitting in the distance::
ShadowLuvaStarz: she blinked and hopped up. "Theres sonic... where's
shadow?" her face went worried
Manic LightSpeed: Hmm..I'm...not too sure...
ShadowLuvaStarz: her tail pressed against her leg
Manic LightSpeed: ::looks again to see a female
hedgehog...almostwhite-purplish:: Oh.....her again...
ShadowLuvaStarz: She looked too and narrowed her eyes. "I hate her."
Manic LightSpeed: ::looks to her:: Hm? why?
ShadowLuvaStarz: :she hurt shadow" she scoffed and sighed looking
Manic LightSpeed: ::Raises a brow oh really...--wait why are Sonic and her in
the same scene....
Manic LightSpeed: hm..
ShadowLuvaStarz: she blushed and pointed. "THEY'RE HAVING AN
AFFAIR!! or... *gasp* OMIGOSh@!! they are against shadow!!"
Manic LightSpeed: ::looks top her sweatdrop:: Love Manga. again???
ShadowLuvaStarz: she blinked and shrugged.
Manic LightSpeed: ::Sitting there on top of a log looking into the sea knowing
he stopped two of the Neo Gem Spirits. he sits there gathering his thoughts til
another hedgehog came by::
ShadowLuvaStarz: She sat next to him and sighed, looking at the sand
and then to him.
Manic LightSpeed: ::looks to her:: Great what do YOU want...
ShadowLuvaStarz: she had a sour look on her face. "He hates me doesn't
he." (sorry i'm so off here)
Manic LightSpeed: Hmph. Shadow huh? Well, after the way you try to coax
him into destroyign the world....he kinda told me what was happeneing......and
I wonder...why must you...(dun worry )
ShadowLuvaStarz: "Thats all ive ever known.. its my mission.":
Manic LightSpeed: ::Closes eyes and then looks back over to her:: It doenst
have to be though..
ShadowLuvaStarz: she sighed and looked at the water.
Manic LightSpeed: Shadow changed because.....people that cared for him
didnt want him to waste his life into takign the lives of those who...have a
tommorow....a future if you will...
Manic LightSpeed: even HE has a future....
ShadowLuvaStarz: she sighed and shrunk a bit. "I dont''."
Manic LightSpeed: ::Looks to her:: do....
Manic LightSpeed: your can use them for good instead of
evil....yeh I knwo that sounds lame but...everyday I risk my life to see to it that
these people of this planet get a chance at living...
Manic LightSpeed: can't stop but and I are somwwhat
ShadowLuvaStarz: she looked to him and sighed. "But we are different
Manic LightSpeed: ::nods:: Yes....but Lumi...stop and think about it...sure your
mission is to you WANT to??
ShadowLuvaStarz: She looked down at her knees. "what do i want?"
Manic LightSpeed: ::looks closer to her:: good question....honestly, what DO
you want?
ShadowLuvaStarz: she looked at him and blushed a bit. (would it be bad
to say love?)
Manic LightSpeed: (hehehe bingo)
Manic LightSpeed: ::Raises a brow:: Hm?
ShadowLuvaStarz: (so yes say love?)
Manic LightSpeed: (yes)
ShadowLuvaStarz: (yay!_
ShadowLuvaStarz: She sniffled a bit and kept her eyes on the ground.
Manic LightSpeed: ::Ears
ShadowLuvaStarz: "love... i have none.
Manic LightSpeed: ::Raises his brow:: But..what of Shadow...surely he
appreciates your sisterly qualities....
ShadowLuvaStarz: she shook her head. "I don't know."
Manic LightSpeed: ::Smirks a bit:: I see. So pretty much been a loner all your
ShadowLuvaStarz: She sighed. "yeah.."
Manic LightSpeed: Well as far as your family goes...Shadow cares for you
deep down..he's just trying to make something of himself...
Manic LightSpeed: as for....your
ShadowLuvaStarz: she looked down at the ground.
Manic LightSpeed: ::Blushes himself looking down:: Sorry tocuhy subject I
take it..
ShadowLuvaStarz: she nodded.
ShadowLuvaStarz: "it is.."
Manic LightSpeed: ::looks up:: I will say this just...just occurs when
your not expecting it.....I wouldn't know..I've never had much feelings for
anyone like that...
ShadowLuvaStarz: she nodded. i know... neither have i.."
Manic LightSpeed: ::Smirks a tad:: should stop vowing to
destroying people...because deep down I'm sure your a sweet girl who just
needs a little love...
Manic LightSpeed: ::Gets up and starts walkign off::
ShadowLuvaStarz: She stood and followed a bit.
Manic LightSpeed: ::Looks behind as he felt someone following:: Hm?
ShadowLuvaStarz: she blinked and blushed a bit. "im gonna.... follow you
a bit."
Manic LightSpeed: R-Really..?? ::Shocked a bit::
ShadowLuvaStarz: she nodded. "y..yeah.
ShadowLuvaStarz: '
Manic LightSpeed: Wow..I....well...sure...::Smiles a bit::
ShadowLuvaStarz: she tried to smile back (oh gods think rei ayanami)
ShadowLuvaStarz: (^_____^)
Manic LightSpeed: (lol!)
Manic LightSpeed: ::Smirks:: Yer cuter when you smile you know...
ShadowLuvaStarz: she blushes and looked away. "maybe.."
Manic LightSpeed: ::Walks up close to her::
ShadowLuvaStarz: she blushed and looked over a little with her eyes.
Manic LightSpeed: ::Taps her lips with his finger:: Trust me on that....yopu'll
attract that special someone like that....::Continues to walk off::
ShadowLuvaStarz: she blushed and ran after him. "whats that supposed
to mean?"
Manic LightSpeed: ::Smirks and scoffs:: Could mean anything whats it to ya?
ShadowLuvaStarz: she blushed and crossedher arms. "not fair."
Manic LightSpeed: Anyway I gotta find Now he should've got the
third Neo Gem Spirit
ShadowLuvaStarz: she sighed and hung back. "maybe.. i shouldn't come."
Manic LightSpeed: sure...::looking back::
ShadowLuvaStarz: she nodded. "I may have been open withyou but........"
Manic LightSpeed: ::Sighs:: I understand....
Manic LightSpeed: ::Moves on::
ShadowLuvaStarz: she goes in the opposite dirction
ShadowLuvaStarz: bye bye.."
Manic LightSpeed: ::Waves back blazing off::
ShadowLuvaStarz: she goes into the forest
Manic LightSpeed: ::Crying twin waterfalls::
ShadowLuvaStarz: looked at him and blinked. "niisan?"
Manic LightSpeed: That...that was I FEEL FOR HER...her pain
and her..past!!
Manic LightSpeed: ::Sniffles:: oh this is too much.....
ShadowLuvaStarz: she blinked and gaped "you heard them! its supposed
to be an aside!!" she bonks him playfully on the head.
Manic LightSpeed: ^^() I have very sensitive ears ^^()
ShadowLuvaStarz: she sighed and nodded. 'I guess you do."
Manic LightSpeed: ^_^()
ShadowLuvaStarz: she giggled and sat down.
Manic LightSpeed: ::Smirks:: haha those two...
ShadowLuvaStarz: she sighed and leanedagainst the hut
Manic LightSpeed: ^^
Manic LightSpeed: ::Jumps up and walks back towards the woods::
ShadowLuvaStarz: (:D)
ShadowLuvaStarz: (baby!!)
Manic LightSpeed: (lol)
ShadowLuvaStarz: (ShadowLuvaStarz: helping to delivering a baby XD
Super Sonic30964: o_o; you're rping a midwife?
ShadowLuvaStarz: yuuuup
ShadowLuvaStarz: :3)
Manic LightSpeed: (lol ^^())
ShadowLuvaStarz: (hehe!!)
Manic LightSpeed: (lol)
ShadowLuvaStarz: (robot? .__. )
Manic LightSpeed: (::Cries::-)
ShadowLuvaStarz: (they have to be kidding me)
Manic LightSpeed: NO NOT SMILEY!!
ShadowLuvaStarz: (i say no robot)
ShadowLuvaStarz: (:3 nooooo robot)
Manic LightSpeed: (I hope its a frickin joke....or someone mistranslated////////)
ShadowLuvaStarz: (hes too cool to be a robot, sides it wouldn't go with his
Manic LightSpeed: (No IT WOULDNT. Sure he was bio-egineered, MEANIGN
ShadowLuvaStarz: (right!!!)
Manic LightSpeed: (><;-)
Manic LightSpeed: STOP SMILEY!!
ShadowLuvaStarz: (LOL)
Manic LightSpeed: (^^)
ShadowLuvaStarz: BABY BORN!!! :3
Manic LightSpeed: awww ^^
Manic LightSpeed: 

Manic LightSpeed: 

Manic LightSpeed: Aim Icons
ShadowLuvaStarz: ee!!
Manic LightSpeed: boutta make yours
ShadowLuvaStarz: aww :3
Manic LightSpeed: ^^
Manic LightSpeed: 

ShadowLuvaStarz: ASSSS
ShadowLuvaStarz: ;lkjadsfkads
ShadowLuvaStarz: *AWWWW
Manic LightSpeed: lol
ShadowLuvaStarz: XD i said ass
Manic LightSpeed: butthat's not all I also have
ShadowLuvaStarz: oo!
ShadowLuvaStarz: *watches*
Manic LightSpeed: 

ShadowLuvaStarz: ooh!!!
Manic LightSpeed: 

ShadowLuvaStarz: :3
ShadowLuvaStarz: live journal ne/
Manic LightSpeed: 

Manic LightSpeed: YUP!
ShadowLuvaStarz: :#
ShadowLuvaStarz: *:3
Manic LightSpeed: ^^
ShadowLuvaStarz: Taiora: *pounces shadow* Kiss me!
Manic LightSpeed: LOL!
Manic LightSpeed: Shadow: DANISH!!!11!
ShadowLuvaStarz: Taiora: ;__;
ShadowLuvaStarz: Lumi: ^__~ hey sonic
ShadowLuvaStarz: XD
Manic LightSpeed: Sonic: :-)
ShadowLuvaStarz: Lumi: :D
ShadowLuvaStarz: taiora: *pounces Shadow* Mew!! ;____;
Manic LightSpeed: Shadow: uhhh...err....Danish?
Manic LightSpeed: Sonic: ::Whips out a box of condoms:: Wanna see why
they call me the 'World's Fastest'??
ShadowLuvaStarz: Taiora: ;___________;
ShadowLuvaStarz: Lumi: *blush* oooh
Manic LightSpeed: Sonic: :-D
ShadowLuvaStarz: Lumi: *walks seductively in the back room, shaking her
ShadowLuvaStarz: Taiora: *tugs on shadows arm*
Manic LightSpeed: Sonic: ::Runs in after her::
Manic LightSpeed: Shadow: ::Munching on Danish:: mmm -^.^-
ShadowLuvaStarz: Taiora: *glomps*
ShadowLuvaStarz: eek brb
Manic LightSpeed: okies
Auto response from ShadowLuvaStarz: Sweet sweet youre so sweet...
there's no where to hide
sweet sweet youre so sweet
imma be your wonderful girl
sweet sweet youre so sweet
im not simple minded
sweet sweet youre so sweet
and i won't be your pearl
youre honestly my sweetest honey for eternity
yea yea yea
Ice Cream!!!! <3
ShadowLuvaStarz: back
Manic LightSpeed: wb
ShadowLuvaStarz: Taiora: *clings to shadow*
Manic LightSpeed: Shadow: ::Lookign at the fox:: Whaddya want with me
ShadowLuvaStarz: Taiora: ;___; you don't love
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee X'O
ShadowLuvaStarz: Taiora: *cries*
Manic LightSpeed: Shadow: crap dont cry!!
ShadowLuvaStarz: brb!
Manic LightSpeed: ok
ShadowLuvaStarz direct connection is closed.
ShadowLuvaStarz: Taiora: *shaaaaaadow!!
Manic LightSpeed: Shadow:.....ok let's have sex.
ShadowLuvaStarz: Taiora: *blush blush*
ShadowLuvaStarz: Taiora: -O_O-
Manic LightSpeed: Shadow: ^.^
ShadowLuvaStarz: Taiora: *sexy look * ok :3
Manic LightSpeed: Shadow: ::Growls::
ShadowLuvaStarz: Taiora: *glomps him and drags him to the backroom,
kicking lumi and sonic out* :P
Manic LightSpeed: sonic: hey!!
ShadowLuvaStarz: Lumi: O_O *half nekkid and blushing*
Manic LightSpeed: Sonic: ::Purrs:
Manic: ::Taking pics::
ShadowLuvaStarz: Lumi: *anger and kicks manic's ass*
Manic LightSpeed: Manic: AAAIEEE!
ShadowLuvaStarz: From the backroom: YIFFYIFFYIFF!!
Manic LightSpeed: Manic: jinkies!
ShadowLuvaStarz: YIFFFFFFF
Manic LightSpeed: XD
ShadowLuvaStarz: :3
Manic LightSpeed: ^^
ShadowLuvaStarz: :D
Manic LightSpeed: hehe
ShadowLuvaStarz: :3
Manic LightSpeed: bout to upload page soon
ShadowLuvaStarz: yay
Manic LightSpeed: ^^
ShadowLuvaStarz: :3
ShadowLuvaStarz: i wanna rp again teehee
Manic LightSpeed: lol okes
ShadowLuvaStarz: ::Smirks:: haha those two...
ShadowLuvaStarz: she sighed and leanedagainst the hut
Manic LightSpeed: ^^
Manic LightSpeed: ::Jumps up and walks back towards the woods::
ShadowLuvaStarz: She watches and turns her attention to the ocean.
Manic LightSpeed: ::Whistles to himself::
ShadowLuvaStarz: she closed her eyes a bit, thinking of him
Manic LightSpeed: ::Stretches:: Ah- what a day!
ShadowLuvaStarz: :-) happy thoughts
Manic LightSpeed: ::Jumps on a tree sitting::
ShadowLuvaStarz: Purr
Manic LightSpeed: mew
ShadowLuvaStarz: She falls asleep.
Manic LightSpeed: ::He started walkign onto the beach::
ShadowLuvaStarz: Taiora sleeps a bit with a happy smile on her face.
Manic LightSpeed: ::He looks on to her and smiles::
ShadowLuvaStarz: "shadow.."her voice is soft and she smiles.
Manic LightSpeed: ::BlusheS:: awww...
ShadowLuvaStarz: she purred and her tail frizzed a bit as she woke up
and saw him there. She blushed and smiled. "shaddow!"
ShadowLuvaStarz: (hehe i was gonna put somethng pervy but ^^ oh well
maybe another time)
Manic LightSpeed: (aww, ok)
Manic LightSpeed: ::Smirks:: hey,
ShadowLuvaStarz: She smiled. "how are you?"
Manic LightSpeed: heh I'm just fine.
ShadowLuvaStarz: she stands and hugs him. :3
Manic LightSpeed: ::He hugs her back smirking::
ShadowLuvaStarz: she looked up, her tail swaying.
Manic LightSpeed: ::Purrs and nuzzles her cheek::
ShadowLuvaStarz: she purred too and snuggled him back, brushing her
lips across his cheek.
Manic LightSpeed: ::Blushes looking into her eyes::
ShadowLuvaStarz: She looked at him and smiled softly.
Manic LightSpeed: ::looks to her again lookign into her eyes::
ShadowLuvaStarz: her eyes closed half way and she presses up against
him a bit.
Manic LightSpeed: ::Looks to her his face movign slwoly close to her::
Manic LightSpeed: (
ShadowLuvaStarz: She tilted her head and purred.
ShadowLuvaStarz: (nice! :3)
Manic LightSpeed: ::Starts blushign deeper::
Manic LightSpeed: (lol)
ShadowLuvaStarz: she blushed deeply and pressed her lips softly to his.
ShadowLuvaStarz: (w00t!!!!)
Manic LightSpeed: ::He was i na quick shock but pulled into the kiss::
ShadowLuvaStarz: She purred and her tail wagged
Manic LightSpeed: ::Let go of the kiss::...w-wow!
ShadowLuvaStarz: she swooned and her tail wagged rapidly
Manic LightSpeed: ...that..was my first...kiss...
ShadowLuvaStarz: She blushed. "me too."
ShadowLuvaStarz: She purred and kissed him softly again.
Manic LightSpeed: ::kisses her back::
ShadowLuvaStarz: she purred and snuggled him
Manic LightSpeed: ::Blushes::
ShadowLuvaStarz: She wrapped her tail around him and smiled.
Manic LightSpeed: ::Smirked::
ShadowLuvaStarz: She purred and snuggled him again.
ShadowLuvaStarz: Taiora looked at him ans smiled.
Manic LightSpeed: ::looked back to her:: Wow..I..I love you...
ShadowLuvaStarz: Taiora blushes and her eyes get starry.
Manic LightSpeed: ::Smiles::
ShadowLuvaStarz: taiora glompped him and kissed him deeply
Manic LightSpeed: ::Kisses and hugged her back::
ShadowLuvaStarz: she purred and her tail waggedas she sat on him.
Manic LightSpeed: ::Blushes:: hehe..
ShadowLuvaStarz: she stroked his cheek and smiled
Manic LightSpeed: ::Smiles deeply::
ShadowLuvaStarz: She laid on top of him and snuggled him.
Manic LightSpeed: ::Smiles to her::
ShadowLuvaStarz: she purred
Manic LightSpeed: aww...
ShadowLuvaStarz: She giggled and kissed his jaw and cheeks and
Manic LightSpeed: ::Blushesm ore:;
ShadowLuvaStarz: Kisses him deeply.
Manic LightSpeed: ::Blushes more:: wow...
ShadowLuvaStarz: Taiora blushes and snuggles him. "hehe.... wow
ShadowLuvaStarz: (lala)
ShadowLuvaStarz: (are you busy? ^^; )
Manic LightSpeed: (sorry ^^()() )
Manic LightSpeed: (afk but back)
Manic LightSpeed: (crapola brb....)
ShadowLuvaStarz: (i see! :3)
ShadowLuvaStarz: (lol ok)
Manic LightSpeed: (back)
ShadowLuvaStarz: (yay!)
Manic LightSpeed: ::Smirks and gets up::
ShadowLuvaStarz: She smiles and looks up at him.
Manic LightSpeed: ::Smiles to her as he walk a bit::
ShadowLuvaStarz: she gets up and walks with him :3
Manic LightSpeed: ::Smirks::
ShadowLuvaStarz: i have to go
Manic LightSpeed: awww okies
ShadowLuvaStarz: see you tomorrow morning maybe
Manic LightSpeed: aight hopefully ^^
ShadowLuvaStarz: eek!! i didn' save
ShadowLuvaStarz: .__.
Manic LightSpeed: I did
ShadowLuvaStarz: *cling* :') thanks you