By donating five dollars to the cause, you become a . By becoming a you get cool stuff like BG's, Flash Animations, Icon, and any other stuff that I feel like making. Becoming a is easy. You can donate money through paypal. If you donate five dollars, you become a . If you donate $4.99, you don't get to be a . Don't be cheap, become a today! Here are things you can currently get by beoming a member:

A special Magi-Tek ßeta BackGround, with pretty colors.... and you also get a one of a kind Magi-Tek ßeta copyrighted... Seizure!
A special BackGround, depicting the death of Trunks. Ow indeed. You only get this kind of gore by becoming a
A photo of some bird crap that landed on my windshield made into a BackGround. Coincidental, isn't it?
Prove your faith by placing your idol on your desktop, while doing tha happy dance. Yes, I know I'm going to hell.

You can get a week of Ad Space for 10 Dollars, or a month for 20.

A link on the members page.


How do I become a ?

There are two ways,

  1. Click on the donate button on the menu bar, and donate 5 dollars using PayPal.
  2. If you don't have a PayPal account, you can request my home address NO CHECKS, please.
Do I get on the staff?

No. No you don't.

Will you post my stuff on the members page?

If it's good, yes. Otherwise no.

What do I get?

... You didn't read all the stuff at the top?


That's not even a question!

Will you teach me Flash?


What is AD Space?

It's a button on the site that link to your site. If people come to the site