Thanks to Psy for all of his sprites. Enjoy! And remember to vote!
Note: If I took an ideas, or stole anything, it was a joke, please don't e-mail me about getting sued, It's more annoying than all of Sonic's Homosexual Tendencies combined. Get a life. Oh, and if someone who came up with the original Idea e-mails me, I'll take it down, but I need to see proof.
The TMT setion has the main series, That's My Trunks. The Special TMT's are the random comics that are funny, and don't really make sense. Some might have people die, or people who have already died, that I came up with in my head, and just make no sense. Resident Sonic is the Resident Evil / That's My Trunks mini-series. The original comics are the comics that were here before I remade them using new sprites. That section probably is pointless to anyone who has a sense of good taste. Thanks for reading this. You have officially wasted your time.
I'm a winner.
Finally a descent end to That's my Trunks. I'd like to thank a lot of people who helped me greatly in the establishment of this comic, but I'm lacking time. Here's a few people that influenced me the most:
Main Series
001 - 002 - 003 - 004 - 005 - 006 - 007- 008 - 009 - 010
011 - 012 - 013 - 014 - 015 - 016 - 017 - 018 - 019 - 020
021 - 022 - 023 - 024 - 025 - 026 - 027 - 028 - 029 - 030
031 - 032 - 033 - 034 - 035 - 036 - 037 - 038 - 039 - 040
041 - 042 - 043 - 044 - 045 - 046 - 047 - 048 - 049 - 050
051 - 052 - 053 - 054 - 055 - 056 - 057 - 058 - 059 - 060
061 - 062 - 063 - 064 - 065 - 066 - 067 - 068 - 069 - 070
071 - 072 - 073 - 074 - 075 - 076 - 077 - ???
Special TMT's
SE1 - SE2 - SE3 - SE4 - SE5 - SE6 - SE7 - SE8 - ???
Original Comics